Our services


Our expertise covers a wide range of services

Tower audits

Equipment audit.

GSM, Pannel Antenna, Dish, odu, RRU, etc

Site acquisition

Audit energy (Power)

Maintenance Power

Optical Fiber

Design and supervision of steel construction work

Project Management Office (PMO)

Design, control and supervision of civil engineering works

Due Diligence

Site construction (BTS), tower maintenance and reinforcement, site supervision.

Tower verticality test and tower straightening

Customers can ask us to test the verticality of their towers and straighten them if this is not the case.


We are a team of experts capable of providing simple solutions to complex problems.

Team work
Proactive partners

Our addresses

Our expertise covers a wide range of services

41, Avenue comité Urbain, Kinshasa Gombe


+243 998 363 426

+243 998 243 548